Red Crystals

The primary design challenge is to establish a connection between the exterior wall of the music school, visible from the car park entrance, and the interior space. The project entails crafting a parametric sculpture that will serve as the new focal point of the 'Music Factory.' Inspired by the essence of music, a fluid wave gracefully envelops the outer wall. Vibrating bodies such as strings or membranes, blocks of wood or metal plates, produce varying intensities of sound depending on the instrument. The sculpture reaches its pinnacle at the corner of the façade, symbolizing the vibrant eruption of sounds emanating from within the music school.

  • Location: Warsaw, Poland

    Client: Capital Park

    Timeline: 2022

    Status: Commission

    Size: 34 bespoke elements

    Programme: Sculpture

    Team: Konrad Weka, Artur Zakrzewski, Michał Polak

The sculpture achieves its highest point at the corner of the building's front, representing the lively outburst of sounds that originate from the music school.

The sculpture will be composed of a sequence of metal vertices with beveled edges, powder-coated in red and subsequently painted. Each vertex will be crafted from aluminum plates using laser-cutting techniques. Elements that extend more than 30cm from the wall due to their weight will necessitate a substructure for support.

The proposed solution entails employing hollow sections, made of either steel or aluminium, for the frame. This frame will be directly mounted to the main wall, ensuring fire separation. The sheeting will be fixed to the T-bars, and the joint will be concealed with bent corners. To secure the two pieces of sheeting on either side, a screw will be drilled through the T-bar.

The exterior wall of the music school, visible from the car park entrance, will transform into the centerpiece of the 'Music Factory.' Therefore, it was essential for the parametric sculpture to harmonize with the shape of the sound wave, reaching its culmination at the corner of the façade.

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