Parametric Design

We employ parametric design to generate intricate 3D forms and facilitate instant modifications. Scripting empowers us to construct complex geometries that would be difficult to model solely through a software interface. By defining key parameters, we significantly reduce the time required to test and visualize numerous design options. Additionally, scripting enables us to perform calculations that result in optimal designs, minimizing material usage, reducing costs, and improving material efficiency.

Case Study: Subterranean Showroom

The subterranean car showroom, inspired by the cinematic universe of James Bond, is nestled beneath a grassy knoll in one of Warsaw's serene residential areas. A winding access ramp gracefully leads visitors into this cave-like space, where curved walls add a touch of sophistication to the showroom's ambiance. Natural daylight floods in through a three-meter-wide skylight, illuminating the organic contours of the room. A carefully crafted lighting scheme enhances the experience, casting a dusk-like glow and captivating the visitors.

The design of the ramp posed a specific challenge, as it had to meet the requirements of accommodating vintage cars, including turning radius, wheel width, and more, while also adhering to public building regulations. Ingeniously, these parameters were combined and harmonized using visual scripting, resulting in a cohesive and functional design.

Creating the cave-like atmosphere hinged on two essential parameters: the height and the outline circumference of the room. These factors played a crucial role in shaping the desired spatial experience, evoking the enclosed and enveloping characteristics reminiscent of a cave. To achieve this, a unique structure was fully designed using parametric methods, seamlessly integrating complex geometries with the surrounding landscape, all within the constraints of a relatively small construction site.

Related projects:

Subterranean Showroom

Hidden under a grassy knoll in one of the Warsaw’s leafy residential areas.

Red Crystals

The project entails crafting a parametric sculpture that will serve as the new focal point of the ‘Music Factory.’

Infinite Landscape

Transcending the limitations of the physical space of the courtyard through the use of mirrors.